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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
Jun 6, 20232 min read
Pain is not necessary
I have been fortunate to be present in so many amazing births. And when I am there, present, supporting and documenting I keep thinking...
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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
Jan 23, 202310 min read
My miscarriages and trans-generational transference
On the darkest days of winter, when the days were short and the nights long, I gathered into myself. I felt the need to go inwards. And...
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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
Sep 16, 20223 min read
Breastfeeding stories: Chaneen
This was from my first ever session doing these breastfeeding images. Chaneen and I wanted to get together and give mothers of all...
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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
May 19, 20222 min read
Being Pregnant
What a thing it is, to grow a human life inside of us. If it is a wanted or welcomed pregnancy, we get so excited from day one. This...
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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
Apr 12, 20224 min read
Births stories: How and Why I Missed the Birth of baby Indie
I am a birth photographer. Being on call and sleeping with my phone next to me comes with the job. I am also a highly sensitive person...
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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
Mar 3, 20223 min read
Breastfeeding Stories part 3: Natalie; Natural does not always mean easy
Well this story has two part! The first part is the first time I met Natalie when she came in with her Daughter for breastfeeding...
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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
Feb 10, 20222 min read
Breastfeeding Stories part 2: Melinda
From 3 rounds of IVF to happy breastfeeding journey, this is the story of Melinda and her sweet boy.
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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
Feb 4, 20223 min read
Breastfeeding Stories part 1: the power of breastfeeding to empower you
The power of breastfeeding to empower you. My story of control over body and the first of many mothers telling their breastfeeding stories.
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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
Jan 25, 20222 min read
What is EFT and how I can treat you world wide.
EFT stands for emotional freedom technique. In this technique we tap on meridian ends while saying out loud carefully selected sentences....
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Ruthie Meiri - Newgrosh
Dec 17, 20182 min read
Three Generations of Lovely Ladies
I had the pleasure of photographing this almost toddler when she was a tiny wee baby. Now she has just started walking and her lovely...
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