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Life cycles & circles: Menstrual empowerment


Thanks To the ancient ones, those who have kept the wisdom of Sacred Cycles alive long enough for us to remember them once more.


To the mothers, thank you for bringing us earthside.


To the maidens, may you come to know your cycles as one of your greatest allies.


And finally, to your Sacred Body. The vessel you were gifted for this earthly adventure.

May you fully feel and experience its true magic, finding gratitude and reverence for it through the power of your Sacred Cycles".


From 'My sacred cycles, Oracle deck'



A woman's life has many cycles. Sometimes those cycles make a full circle, like our monthly one.

The way a young girl enters her cycle can affect the rest of her life. Learning that stepping into our monthly bleed, can mean stepping into our power is transformative. It is never too early or too late to learn this.



I offer a two types of menstrual empowerment circles:

  • Empowering circles for young girls giving them education they will never receive in school; how to work and live their best lives with their cycles. I thoroughly believe that stepping into their power at a tender young age will affect the rest of their lives, especially when they will have sex, give birth and navigate through work/ life balance. It is never too early to establish healthy boundaries.

  • Empowering circles for women who have been taught, growing up, to hush their cycle. Learning together how to work through their seasons throughout the month, harnessing the best energy from each season. It is never too late to establish healthy boundaries.




Empowering girls circle

 A beautiful workshop, during which we connect to the reason we menstruate, honouring our mothers and learning to step into our power through a deep understanding of the monthly cycle.

We go through the four seasons/ stages of the month, looking at what best to do and connect to at every stage.

The girls work with colouring pages and a workbook that covers everything from menstrual products and discharge to yoga and aromatherapy for period time.


Time: 3 hours

Cost: £45 per girl (minimum 5), not including space hire.

Includes: workbook with all the info, essential oil potion, snacks.

Empowering women circle

 Magic always happen when women gather. I welcome everyone to bring her wisdom with her.

During the time together we will connect to the reason we menstruate, honouring our mothers and ancestors, blessing our children and their children. learning to step into our power through a deep dive into the four seasons of the month, looking at what best to do and connect to at every stage.

We will meditate, inviting our pain to tell us where lays the healing. 

We will move together, do some tapping for healing, create potions and finish with a feast. 

Each woman is invited to bring food to share.

Time: 3 hours

Cost: £50 per woman (minimum 5), not including space hire.

Includes: workbook with all the info, essential oil potion, tea/ coffee, EFT tapping guide page.

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