What a thing it is, to grow a human life inside of us. If it is a wanted or welcomed pregnancy, we get so excited from day one. This feeling creeps in, the feeling of falling in love, that fluttering feeling in your heart as well as in your belly. The excitement!
Oh give me all the oxytocin...

A new baby, even the thought of a new baby, brings so much joy. But it's not just the hormones, it's also the excitement of something new and promising. Something big and life changing.
If you are already a mum you know by now how much having a child changes you. So you are probably intrigued to see what this new baby will bring with her/ him into your life and family dynamic.

If you are expecting your first child, you are probably super excited to meet them and you have no idea how your life is going to change.
For me, becoming a mother brought a lot of stuff out. Emotionally I had all the feels and also a lot of confusion. But when the dust settled, when the initial shock wore off, I found that becoming a mother connected me to who I really am. I find that a lot of women feel this. You just can't fake it anymore - you want to be 100% you for your child and for yourself.

Your belly grows, your ribs expand, all your inner organs are pushed aside. You cry from an advert on TV (I still do!) and you crave ice-cream while cannot and will not face broccoli. What a rollercoaster.

And then your baby comes, fresh and new, and life becomes all about them!
How they feed, how they sleep, how they poop.
And that's why I think it is so important to remember you. To soak it all up. To remember who you are just before you change forever.

I think maternity images should be glorious because it is a time in your life when you are glorious. I think they should be beautiful and fun and represent exactly who you are.

If we can do it outdoors then yay and amazing, but if the weather sucks, always remember we can create beautiful and glorious images inside.
Remember you.
