Melinda is one of my favourite shoots that I have ever done. Bless this beautiful woman, she has overcome so much. Just looking back at our correspondence, she had so much anxiety doing the shoot and looking back at herself in the photos, but, powered by her love for her sweet boy, she found the courage and enough self love to go ahead with it. And look at these gorgeous images. Looking back, I have such a sense of satisfaction that I was a tiny part of her self love journey. True empowerment.

"After 5 years of infertility, 3 rounds of IVF and a lot of tears, my husband and I were finally lucky enough to bring our beautiful baby boy into the world.
Breastfeeding was something I'd always planned on doing, years before we even decided to try for a baby. But as my journey to motherhood lead us down some windy roads I began to think feeding my baby might never be an option for me. I am eternally grateful that I was lucky enough to grow, carry and feed my baby and I will never take that privilege for granted.

Breastfeeding didn't start as the beautifully serene experience I had always dreamt of.
A tie tongue and poor latch caused bleeding nipple's and lots of tears. It was hard work, harder than I ever expected, but we persevered and have come out the other side. I am now absolutely in love with feeding my baby. The closeness it brings, the way my baby looks into my eyes, and the knowing that me feeding him has grown those chubby (not so) little rolls on his legs".

I am happy to report that Jasper is now a 2 year old happy toddler and his amazing mama is still giving him all the goodness of her milk. She has also gone through mother support training to further help herself and other mamas. Long may their journey continue to be enjoyable!
You can always find me here!