Last year we had a few spells of very heavy snow. A second time mama got in touch with me, she was after some family pictures with her new addition to the family.
We scheduled a date and I prepared my home studio as it was very cold outside.
The day before she called to cancel - they were literally snowed in and couldn't make it to the shoot. We decided to reschedule to a later date in early summer. How lucky we got with the weather!
I enjoyed so much meeting these lovely parents and their two boys: one (now) sweet 3 months old baby, and one very energetic 3 year old boy...
This is probably a good time to say: I do not expect any child to sit still and model. They have so much energy, they need to get used to me and to the camera and I am happy to give them the time to do so. In a space of just over two hours this 3 year old was cycling, running, jumping, eating ice-cream, and then eventually he was also sitting still.
I promise you: we will always get the coveted family shot in the end.

We might as well enjoy the ride.

As always I love taking photos of mamas feeding their babies and will always give this special attention:

I had the best afternoon in Dunham Massey with these super brothers.
